We understand there may be occasions where you order items in error. That is why we offer a 14 day return policy, so if for any reason you change your mind about your purchase, you can return it, unopened (including that little silver seal), in its original condition, within 14 days of the date you received it and receive a refund. The refund does not include the shipping charged of sending the item(s) to you, or return shipping costs. We recommend shipping your return with tracking to ensure it makes it back to us, otherwise we will not be able to issue a refund on your item(s).
To make a return, please email us at & we will be sure to provide you with further details.
With standard shipping, orders will arrive to most parts of the continental U.S. in 2-4 business days. Expedited shipping to the US via FedEx is 2 days - orders placed before 2pm ET are processed the same business day (Monday - Friday, excluding holidays).
Standard international shipping - 5-15 business days (DHL E-Commerce) once processed depending on destination.